As part of Thy Kingdom Come national wave of prayer between Ascension Day and Pentecost (8-15 May)  we will be leading prayer inspired by Houghton Rector, Apostle of the North, Bernard Gilpin (1517-1583) at Durham Cathedral on Friday 13 May, 8.00pm-9.30pm. Come and pray with us!

Thy Kingdom Bernard Gilpin
Friday 13 May
9.15am – 5.15pm

The Galilee Chapel – prayer space for Thy Kingdom Come – a special week of prayer, today’s focus is Bernard Gilpin, Apostle to the North.

8.00pm – 9.30pm 

The Gregory Chapel – a prayer gathering inspired by Bernard Gilpin, Apostle to the North.

Bernard Gilpin, known as The Apostle of the North, lived through the tumultuous and dangerous times of the sixteenth century Reformation. His early academic career was marked by the theological controversies of the time, but during the reign of Queen Elizabeth he became Rector of Houghton-le-Spring and for the next 26 years was known for his generosity, help for the poor, and his annual travel in the border area of England and Scotland where he endured hardship in order to preach the gospel and care for the people living in poverty. Following his example, we pray for the mission of the church in proclaiming the gospel and caring for people in need, especially in this North East region.

Lord God,
whose Son Jesus Christ loves the Church
and desires to present it holy and without stain:
we thank you for Bernard Gilpin, Apostle of the North,
and pray that like him we may show forth
integrity in the faith and purity of life;
through the same Jesus Christ our Lord,
who is alive and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever.    Amen.

Friends of Houghton Parish Church – upcoming events

Our annual Friends of Houghton Parish Church Trust events are coming up this May. There’s something for everyone!

Friends weekend 2016
Thursday 5th May, 7pm – Houghton Brass in Concert (£5 entry)

Saturday 7th May, 10am-1pm – Coffee Morning

Monday 9th May, 7pm – The George Whitfield Organ Concert – with Dr Gordon Stewart (£7 entry)

Thy Kingdom Come – pray with us across Houghton-le-Spring 8th-14th May

Jesus Christ calls every person to follow him. As Christians it’s our duty and joy to share that invitation. That’s why the Archbishops of Canterbury and York are inviting every church in England to join a week of prayer this Pentecost, from 8-15th May — let’s pray for every Christian to receive new confidence and joy in sharing this life-transforming faith.


In response to this there will be a series of prayer spaces across Houghton-le-Spring to which we invite everyone to come in the days between Ascension Day and Pentecost to pray for renewal – of themselves, of our community and of our nation. Can you spare a few minutes or even an hour to pray during this special time? You will be joining with people all over the country in a great ‘wave of prayer’.

Prayer Spaces in Houghton-le-Spring

In St Michael & All Angels Church

In the big church on the Broadway, Houghton-le-Spring. Add your prayers to our prayer tree. Pray for friends, family, neighbours to come to know the love of God. Pray for our nation and our government. Pray for whatever burdens you are carrying.

Prayer Labyrinth outside St Michael’s Church

Use this ancient form of prayer by walking around the labyrinth path into the centre. As you walk slowly, ask God to speak to you, pray for anything that comes to mind. Journey with God and see what happens.

Space4 prayer

Join us at Space4 on the ground floor of Houghton Library on Newbottle Street in an interactive prayer space.

Durham Cathedral Friday 13th May 8.00-9.30pm

Join us in the Galilee Chapel of Durham Cathedral as we are inspired by Bernard Gilpin, Apostle of the North to pray for the re-evangelisation of the North East.



A big thank you to Alastair Bradley for serving as Church Warden for 6 years

At our APCM yesterday we had to give a very special thank you to our Church Warden extraordinaire Alastair Bradley who has served us very faithfully for a full term of 6 years. Alastair has made a particular contribution to managing and maintaining the fabric of our Grade I listed building and will continue in a role as Assistant Church Warden in this capacity.

Thanks for all your hard work Alastair!

Alastair Bradley thank you

Wishing you a very Happy Easter – He is Risen indeed, Alleluia!

Alleluia, Christ is Risen!

Without the resurrection of Jesus Christ there would be no worshipping community here in Houghton-le-Spring. Everything we do is in response to the love God lavished on us through Jesus. We are all trying to make a difference and share this love with everyone we encounter. Here is a video and song expressing this desire – will you join us?

Every good wish for a joyous Easter

Rector Sue and the St Michael’s Ministry Team

Easter greetings 2016

Pictures from the Procession of the Palms in Houghton-le-Spring

We were blessed with beautiful weather this morning as we gathered in Rectory Park for our Procession of the Palms remembering Christ’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem on a donkey as the crowds waved their palms.

We were joined by Houghton Youth Brass Band and two donkeys, the little one, a Spanish miniature called Bethany and the bigger one an Irish breed called Summer.

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Here are some photos from John Lambton of this very special day:

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