Rector’s Letter

Rector’s Letter

Over the last few years at St Michael and All Angel’s we had designated this time of year as a ‘Season of Invitation’.  As part of this, I encourage all members of our church to invite people to come along to the events and services we have planned in St Michael’s with the ultimate aim of encouraging people to become a part of our church.  In the famous closing passages of Matthew’s Gospel sometimes known as ‘The Great Commission’ (Matthew 28:19-20), Jesus says to his disciples to “go and make disciples of all nations”.  This calling to evangelism is just as relevant today as it was in biblical times.  As followers of Christ in Houghton-le-Spring  we have a responsibility to share the love of God with those around us and invite them into our community of faith.  I think it is incumbent on us to be an intentionally growing church.  The alternative is to shrink and diminish as a church, put bluntly that would mean that we would no longer be a Christian presence in Houghton-le-Spring.  Growing our church is not for our own sake, but for the impact we can have on the wider world.  As we grow in faith and love and service, we can have a greater impact on the lives of others, sharing God’s love and compassion with those who may not yet know Him.

In this season of invitation then let us consider how we can reach out to others and welcome them into our community of faith. We have some really exciting services and events lined up: some traditional and some new things.  Our Patronal festival will be followed very quickly by Houghton feast – we’ve coffee mornings, a Brass Band concert, a Ceilidh in church, a Gala concert with Gilpin singers, a Pet Service (All Age and All Species worship!), a Healing Service and Harvest Festival all taking place.  You can find details of all of these in our flier later in the magazine.  Please consider, if you’ve not been to church for a while coming along.  Please consider who you could invite to come to church.  I want us to grow our community of faith.  That is important for us, particularly at this time but it is even more important for others: inviting someone to a church service or event is an act of love help them to come to know God in their lives.

I have also asked us at this time to prayerfully consider making a further financial commitment to church to enable us to do our ministry and mission. I have made a particular appeal to address the big gap that we have in our finances and asked our congregations and the wider community who value our church to make a financial pledge during October.  Pledge cards are available in church and also later in this magazine.  Please bring your Pledges to church where we will dedicate them to God in our services and most particularly at our Houghton Feast and Harvest Services.  We are enormously grateful for all giving to church. 

Please carefully and prayerfully consider how you might support us to be a growing church that takes up Jesus Commission and our calling to make disciples in Houghton-le-Spring.

”And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved.”

Acts 2:47

With my prayers and very best wishes