Just got engaged or know someone who has? Book your wedding with us!

your church wedding

Congratulations on your engagement!

To make arrangements for your wedding, come along to the Church Vestry on a Monday evening when a member of the clergy will be available from 6.00 – 6.45 pm. If you are unable to attend at this time, please contact the Parish Office (tel: 512 1769) or email us.

When you arrange your wedding with us we will give you lots of information to help you plan your special day. This page here outlines what you uniquely get in a church wedding with us in Houghton-le-Spring:


So you can start that Pinterest board now! Here is a board to get you started (click on the image below to go to Pinterest):

Pinterest board

For more inspiration and ideas about your wedding, try this website from the Church of England here: http://www.yourchurchwedding.org/ – this includes a free ceremony planner and suggested readings and hymns.

Light – our bereavement support group. Dates for 2016.

Light is our bereavement support group which offers an opportunity for those who suffer the grief of bereavement to come together to share their difficulties and daily experiences.11295646_10153874126513989_6665386115529039211_n

Light is run by one of the clergy and our pastoral staff who are willing listeners to your story. Light takes place on the last Monday of the month, come at any time between 10 – 12 am, to the Community Room in the Kepier Hall which is located behind the church. If you feel this may be of benefit for you, you will find a warm welcome and a cup of tea or coffee,  someone to listen and you will meet with others who share your sadness.

The dates for 2016 are:

Monday from 10am -12noon

JAN 25th

FEB 29th

MARCH 21st

APRIL 25th

MAY 23rd

JUNE 27th

JULY 25th

AUG 22nd

SEPT 26th

OCT 31st

NOV 28th

DEC 19th

Happy Christmas from us all at St Michael’s!

Dear Friends,

This comes with every good wish for a very Happy Christmas to you all!

Rector Sue

May the joy of the angels,
the eagerness of the shepherds,
the perseverance of the wise men,
the obedience of Joseph and Mary,
and the peace of the Christ child
be yours this Christmas;
and the blessing of God almighty,
the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit,
be among you this Christmas and remain with you always. Amen.


Image: The Adoration of the Shepherds by Caravaggio

Gilpin Singers Christmas Concert – photos

Last night the Gilpin Singers (our women’s community choir) performed to a packed church a wonderful varied programme of music. Here are some photographs taken by John Lambton of the evening. Our church music CDs featuring the Gilpin Singers are still available to buy at church for £10 – a great Christmas present!

View of the choir and audience

Singing the song Nana was a Suffragette

Singing the song Nana was a Suffragette

Gilpin Singers performing

Our conductor, Frances Wilson

Our conductor, Frances Wilson

Deanery Quiet Day

Deanery Quiet Day Saturday 5th December at St Oswalds, Shiney Row


Braving the wild wind a few of us gathered with Bishop Paul to share a day of quiet reflection as we  journey through Advent and encounter the busyness that the season brings to church life and beyond.

We read through and reflected on Psalm 62.  Bishop Paul shared some of his thoughts and understandings of the language and meaning highlighting God as rock both in the sense of foundation and refuge – God as our stronghold.  He noted that we often overlook the power of God when we are seeking to solve problems big and small and that we look to ourselves for answers.  We were invited to spend some quiet time focusing just on God.

After coffee we explored Psalm 62 some more.  Bishop Paul noted that we need to be able to fully acknowledge our own frailty to ourselves and before God if we are to truly worship and follow him.  We were invited to spend some quiet time reflecting on our shortcomings and difficulties.

After lunch we moved our focus onto Psalm 63.  Bishop Paul reflected on the power of thirst having been in a situation where there was no water to drink for a considerable time.  He moved on to explore praise, particularly in the light of our previous thoughts on God as our rock and our own shortcomings.  We were invited to spend some quite time thinking about praise.

I spent the first two period of reflection time in the church in silence.  When reflecting on the power of God the noise of the roaring wind battering the church brought to mind the story of Jesus calming the storm.  The fear and panic of the disciples, the lack of faith matched with the extreme calm of Jesus as he commands the turmoil to cease.  How often do I get caught up in my own chaos and that of others and forget to stand still, listen and trust?

I won’t share with you the shortcomings and difficulties I reflected on during the second period of quietness; needless to say I had plenty to think about.

The final period of reflection I spent reflecting with another person, somehow praise felt for me more of a sharing experience.  We ended our day together in the praise of singing.  I came away with much to think about and a sense of having taken some time out to reconnect with God and my fellow travellers.

Christine Britcliffe

Christmas at St Michael’s Houghton-le-Spring – come on an amazing journey!

Christmas 2015 poster

As ever there is a wonderful array of events and services at St Michael’s this Christmas, celebrating the light shining in the darkness, the birth of our Saviour, Emmanuel, God with us.

Here are some dates for your diary. The 🙂 symbol denotes that the service is particularly suitable for children.

Sunday 6th December 11.30am – Mini Michael’s Toddler Service – Christmas Special 🙂

Tuesday 8th December 7.00pm – Piano and Cello Concert

Featuring Kiryl Keduk and Ivan Karizna from Belarus playing the music of Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov, Stravinsky, Glaznov and Rimsky Korsakov. Tickets £8 on the door.

Tuesday 15th December 7.00pm – Light of Life Service – remembering loved ones at Christmas – dedicating lights on the Christmas Tree.

Wednesday 16th December 7.00pm – Gilpin Singers Christmas Concert. Tickets £3.

Sunday 20th December 3.00pm – Christingle Service for all the family 🙂

Christmas Eve

10.00am Eucharist

3.00pm Crib Service 🙂

7.00pm Carol Service

11.30pm Midnight Mass

Christmas Day

8.30am Eucharist

10.00am Parish Eucharist

Sunday 27th December – Feast of St Stephen

8.30am Eucharist

10.00am Parish Eucharist

Light of Life Service 15th December – remembering loved ones at Christmas

Light of Life 2015Our annual Light of Life service will be on Tuesday 15th December at 7pm.

The season of Christmas is often a time for thinking about others and we invite you to dedicate a light on our Christmas tree to those special people in your thoughts.

It can be a time to celebrate the memory of a loved one who has died, to acknowledge a special person in your life or to mark a special occasion that has happened this year, maybe the birth of a child/grandchild or an anniversary.

This is a special way to remember and give thanks.

For each dedication you make we will send you a special “Light of Life” card.

We will be lighting the Christmas tree on Tuesday 15th December at 7.00pm and we would be delighted if you could join us.  Each light on the tree will shine brightly for those special people during the Christmas season.  The Service will be a mixture of Christmas carols, readings and a time for special prayers and remembrance.

Click here to download the form or fill a form in at the back of Church and hand it in to a Church Warden or the Clergy.



Darkness is no darkness with you…

Our candlelit Advent Service last night focused on finding, meeting and discovering God in the darkness. It featured beautiful music from our choir and different stories from the Bible of how people encountered God in the darkness. May you have a blessed, refreshing and meditative Advent season.

Even darkness is no darkness with you;
the night is as clear as the day;
darkness and light to you are both alike.

– Psalm 139:11


Here are some images from this beautiful, thought-provoking service taken by John Lambton:

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