A taste of Houghton Feast 2014 – some pictures

We had a great opening ceremony last night opening Houghton Feast for 2014. This year’s theme is Never Forget – and we are commemorating the start of the First World War.

Houghton Feast 2014 logo

Houghton Feast opening ceremony collage 2014

Today we ran our Craft and Produce Market with the rector’s famous vegetable stall, this year selling some commemorative mugs and bags:

Houghton Feast craft market Collage

We were also relieved that the rain stayed off for this afternoon’s parade!

houghton Feast parade collage

Now we’re getting ready for the Civic Service tomorrow.

You can view more photos on our Facebook page – come and give us a ‘like’!

Keep up to date with us – get our newsletter

This week we have launched an e-newsletter to help you keep up to date with what is happening at St Michael’s. We know how easy it is to miss important notices at church or miss something from the weekly sheet – this way, the key news and events will come to you directly into your email inbox!


The idea for this newsletter was one our rector Sue came across in the USA during her sabbatical and we hope it works as well in Houghton-le-Spring as it did in Los Angeles! Sue feels it’s important to keep in touch with you and let you know what’s happening at St Michael’s and from time to time reflect on life, God and the world around us.

If you’d like to get our newsletter (you can unsubscribe at any time), complete the form below. You can view the current edition here.

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She’s Fired – a musical narration of the Seaham Mining Disaster 1880, 7th Oct 2014

She’s Fired is to be performed at St Michael’s as part of Houghton Feast on October 7th at 7.30pm. Tickets priced £5 can be obtained from church Mondays to Fridays between 11am and 1pm.

Don’t miss the opportunity to see this excellent play written by Bob Lowery from Seaham with original beautiful songs written by John Wrightson from Murton. The play has been performed at various venues around the North East to great acclaim.

Expect to laugh and cry, either way you will love it.

She's Fired poster

Further performances will be at  Sedgefield Parish Hall on November 8th, and The Sage, Gateshead on March 14th.

Tommy’s Dinner – Friday 10th October, 7.30pm – part of Houghton Feast

As part of Houghton Feast you are invited to join us for Tommy’s Dinner on Friday 10th October at 7.30pm in St Michael and All Angels Church – an evening of food and entertainment in commemoration of the start of the First World War organised by the Next 900 team at St Michael’s.

Tickets priced at £15 are available from church or from John Lambton tel. 07917 817879

Tommy's dinner poster

Tommy’s Story – a community exhibition in Space 4 – 11th Sept-11th Nov 2014

This autumn the Space 4 project (ground floor of Houghton Library, Newbottle Street) is hosting a community exhibition of local stories from the First World War.

The exhibition will have three launch sessions which will include talks and refreshments: 12.30-1.30pm on 11th & 12th Sept and at 10.30-11.30am on 13th Sept.

After the launch the exhibition will be open to the public during Space 4’s opening hours (weekdays except Wednesdays).

If you have any copies (not originals) of photos or letters etc. from WWI that you would like to be included in the exhibition, please bring them along to Space 4.

Tommy's story poster

Harvest Festival Appeal 2014 – for the Space 4 project

This year we are supporting the work of Space 4 for our Harvest Appeal.

Bryony, our curate, decided to do the ‘ice bucket challenge’ to raise awareness of this when challenged by a friend on Facebook, here she is getting soaked for a good cause:

Please donate either dried goods and tins (please make sure they have a reasonable shelf life) or cash donations in Harvest Appeal envelopes (please remember to gift aid if you can).

Thank You for your gift

The Rector and PCC

Ice bucket poster

Last Night at the Proms

WW1 & Miners Memorial – Last Night at the Proms

Friday 19th September 2014

7pm at St Michael and All Angels Church, Houghton-le-Spring

Tickets are now on sale at St Michael’s for what promises to be a wonderful evening of music from the North East Brass Ensemble in aid of Veterans at Ease.

Tickets are £6. For more information contact 07758 939353.

Prom Poster jpeg1


Summer BBQ

After much praying, the weather was good to us and the sun shone on the righteous as the BBQ was lit, to cook sausages, burgers and steak to a turn.  A surprise change to desserts was welcomed and suitably devoured!  There was a good crowd who enjoyed the food and the pre-supper quiz organized by Darren which maintained interest and enthusiasm throughout the night.  The bar was busy and eventually the floor was busy too with souls dancing and swaying to the music!  Our halfway highlight was the raffle which was enjoyed by 53 party goers helping to raise a handsome profit of £225 accrued by the generosity of those attending.

A good night had by all, watch out for further events happening this year, the first being the October Dinner during the feast.

Ordination of our new curate Bryony Taylor

It was wonderful to be in Durham Cathedral to share in this very special service with a huge number of people this morning.  The St Michael’s group had excellent seats that allowed a good view of the proceedings as they unfolded but I feel sure the entire Cathedral, view or no view felt part of this life changing event for Bryony and her fellow ordinands now deacons.  We welcome Bryony and look forward to sharing this next part of her journey here at St Michael and All Angels.