Gilpin Singers at Auckland Castle

On 19th December 2013 the Gilpin Singers performed at Auckland Castle at the invitation of Bishop Mark.  The audience were retired clergy and their spouses and the performance took place in the beautiful castle chapel.  On arrival at the castle the group were treated to sandwiches and cakes before a hasty rehearsal to perform four pieces beforehand and one during a service of evening prayer.  It was a wonderful pre Christmas treat for all concerned.

New Curate for 2014

New Curate for 2014

I’m delighted to announce that we will be welcoming a new curate in June 2014.

Her name is Bryony Taylor and she is currently studying for the priesthood at Cramner Hall in Durham.  She and her husband Paul, will be moving to Houghton in June and she will be working as a full time curate after her ordination as a deacon at Petertide.  Bryony will be with us at St Michael’s for the next 3 ½ – 4 years.  Everyone who has met her is very impressed with the gifts and talents she will bring to Houghton and we are all looking forward to working with her over the next few years.

Bryony has written a bit about herself as a brief introduction.

My husband Paul describes me as ‘not a glass half-full person’ but an ‘ooh, I’ve got a glass’ person – I am a relentless optimist! A child in Leeds once described me as ‘like a clown what’s good at stuff’! 

I was brought up in sunny Southend on Sea in Essex, but went to university in Leeds (I studied Classical Civilisation) where I met Paul and we’ve lived in Yorkshire ever since spending time in Hull, Dewsbury and most recently in Pudsey near Leeds. We’re both really looking forward to moving further north and exploring a new and beautiful area.

In my working life I have done a variety of things in the education sector, the most fun of which was in museum education doing living history – so I’m very excited to be coming to such an historic church! My last job before going to theological college was working as a social media consultant – training people from sole traders to banks to churches, to use things like Twitter and Facebook for business and communications.

I enjoy working with and learning from young people. I’ve been involved with youth work for a long time, I run juggling workshops and have been a Girl Guide leader in Dewsbury for the last 10 years. I’m one of those strange people that like camping!

I love reading and before college I was in a book club (that had a good balance of wine and chat!) and I’m looking forward to reading fiction again once finishing my course. I also really enjoy live music. I’m trying to get better at playing the guitar and I also like playing the ukulele (I promise I won’t inflict that on you though). Paul and I often go to the cinema: we have eclectic taste in films although he doesn’t share my love for TV programmes like the X Factor!

I am really looking forward to getting to know the community in Houghton Le Spring and I’m already inspired by all the amazing work that is already taking place through the commitment of the congregation. Paul and I are excited about walking alongside you in the great adventure of faith in Jesus.

Best wishes


Boxing Day Dip

As the year is coming to a close The Next 900 Team embarked on what is becoming a ritual of taking a brief dip in the North Sea at Seaham. The small team consisted of Dave Turnbull, John Lambton, Sue Wardle and Roger Elsey who were lucky with one or two factors in their favour:-

The tide was in.     The sun was shining.    The wind was not blowing.

The previous day would have been a different story, in fact quite the reverse with strong winds and huge waves lashing the coast.

The team and their supporters met in good time at the car park above the entry point to the North Sea. At 10.45am the hardy group from St. Michaels could be seen making the descent to the beach over the thick frost of the footpath. Arriving at the beach it was a different world;  the frost was not present –  no chance of slipping. After a quick change to more comfortable attire the bathers were ready and off at a pace to make a splash on time at 11am with John and Roger so eager they lead the way. After a brief pose to record the event for posterity, an even quicker change back to dry clothes was made with the help of our supporters. We then returned to Houghton re-grouping at the Wild Boar for lunch.

Our sincere thanks to all who took time out to support us on the day and to all our sponsors who have pledged generously, currently in excess of £110.

Congratulations to the team for once again braving the elements, they are looking for new victims, sorry volunteers next year!!!


The Christingle Service every year marks the beginning of the Christmas celebrations at St Michael’s.  This year the children and parents learnt the all about the symbols of the Christingle from Deliah the Cow ably assisted by the Rector and Margaret.  Everyone then made their own Christingle before we gathered around the Christmas tree when the candles were lit and we all sang Away in a Manger.  Always a magical moment.

Thank you to everyone one who helped and took part in this service, which as well as being very special raises much needed funds for The Children’s Society.

Christmas Market

Congratulations to everyone involved with this year’s Christmas Market.  Once again the event was held in church, but with a new layout which proved to be a great success.  We had a wide variety of stalls from Northumbrian Cheese to wood turning to Christmas Cakes to toys to Chuech Beer with many others along side the ever popular tombola, raffle and refreshments.  The day was a great occasion with many stalls selling out by lunchtime.

Thank you to everyone who support the Market and those who worked so hard to make it a special day.

Advent Bible Study Group

Advent Bible Study Group

The Reverend Peter Stannard will be leading a Bible Study Group on 1 Thessalonians during Advent at Space 4 on Thursdays 7 – 9 pm and Fridays 2 – 4 pm.

The first session will be held on Thursday 28th November and the course will run for four weeks.
If you are interested please sign the list at the back of Church or contact Peter Stannard on 0191 908 6290.

Mother’s Union Enrolement

On Sunday 17 November, 8 new members were enrolled into the St Michael’s Branch of the Mother’s Union, bringing the total number of members to 63, one of the largest in the diocese. Congratulations to all the new members, may they be blessed by their membership and be a blessing to the MU.

Outdoor Nativity

We all realise that the message of Christmas easily gets lost amidst the turkey and the tinsel.  The story of the coming of Christ, born in a stable to save broken humanity is drown out by the sound of the cash registers.

So this year we are planning an outdoor Nativity scene with silhouette figures attached to the railings outside church and the the crib scene in the church porch.  We hope it will remind the people of Houghton about the Christmas story and encourage them to dwell, even for a moment, on the true meaning of Christmas.

On Saturday we began the process of making the figures, we were blessed by a warm, dry autumn morning, which meant we could do most of the work outside at the back of the Kepier Hall. In the middle of drawing, sawing and painting the figures gradually appeared. Thank you to the team of volunteers who helped, we had a lot of fun and as you can see the figures are looking great!

Confirmation 2013

Congratulations to Emma Pelton, Hannah Watt and Wendy Joseph who were confirmed in November by Bishop David Stancliffe at All Saints Penshaw.  Bishop David is the retired Bishop of Salisbury and a former Chair of the Liturgical Commission and the Confirmation showed his flair for liturgy with the service moving around the church, signifying the Christian journey from darkness to light.

The candidates are seen here with the Rector after they had made their first communion.

Remembrance 2013

Over 500 people gather in St Michael’s Church and outside on The Broadway on Remembrance Sunday 10th November.  They joined the Deputy Lord Leiutenant, Mr Norman Taylor, local Councillors, representative of ex-Services organisations, Army Cadets Tyne and Wear Fire Service, Northumbria Police, the Scout and Guide Associations and many local organisations and societies, all who met to remember and give thanks  for the sacrifice of those who had died in wars past and present.  Lest we forget.