Brave Boxing Day Dippers

Once again this year three brave souls took the plunge into the freezing North Sea to raise money for church funds.  Darren, Susan & John boldly strode into the icy water and posed for these fantastic photos.  Hopefully they will have raised lots of money for their efforts, it’s not to late to make a contribution.

Christmas Day at Space4

After the Christmas Morning Eucharist Rev Judith Howes rushed along to Space4 to prepare a Christmas lunch for some of those from out community who would otherwise have been on their own.  Assisted by Simon Hardy and David Hann the group was served a hot lunch and enjoyed some much needed social time together.  Once again Easington Lane Community Transport provided their minibus to pick up and drop off the party goers.  Huge thanks to everyone who gave so generously of their time and talents.

Christmas Eve at St Michael’s

It was an exceedingly busy and joyful Christmas Eve at St Michael’s with the delightful Crib Service at 3pm.  This very well attended service gave every child a role in the nativity as we shared in the miraculous Christmas story.

A packed church at 7pm for the Carol service where the musical director George Peebles and the choir outdid themselves with a wonderful selection of modern and traditional Christmas music.  The hand bell ringers played a delightful selection of music before and after the service and we heard a variety of readings. 

Then those of us with any stamina left welcomed in Christmas morning at a very atmospheric Midnight Mass.

Children’s Community Christmas Party at the Kepier Hall

Over fifty children and some of their adults attended this free Christmas Party, a collaboration between Space4 and the Kepier Hall.  Everyone enjoyed the talents of Tony Junior who had everyone up on their feet joining in some fantastic games.  There was a delicious buffet tea, a visit from Santa and a selection box for every child.  Thank you to all the hard work of the volunteers involved and to a Community Chest Grant for making this happen.

The Gilpin Singers Christmas Concert

Wednesday 19th December saw a packed church for a truly entertaining performance by our community choir the Gilpin Singers.  The audience got to enjoy a wide variety of Christmas music that was enchanting, moving and sometimes hilarious.  Everyone had a thoroughly good time huge thanks for the hard work of the choir and their conductor Laura.

Christingle x2

On Sunday 16th December at 3pm we had a wonderful Christingle service in church.  Lots of families joined us to make a Christingle and share in the lead up to Christmas.

Then our evening service was ENGAGE with Christingle so the adults all had a chance to construct and learn about the meaning behind this lovely tradition.

Remembrance Sunday Bells

Houghton Bells will be joining with other bell towers around Britain to commemorate the centenary of the end of World War 1.
The of Battle’s Over, a national and international event to mark the Armistice, hope that more than 1,000 cathedrals and churches participate by ringing their bells simultaneously at 7.05 pm on the night of 11th November 2018 after Evensong followed by Mulled Wine. Come along to the service at 6.00 pm and support this special event.

End of Houghton Feast Entertainment

As is the tradition St Michael’s ended Feast week with a fabulous evening of entertainment, fellowship and fun. Bobby Thompson tribute act Tony Washington played to a packed church who had enjoyed a hotpot super. It’s always amazing to see the church building transformed for other uses and there has been a lot of furniture shifting this week! Huge thanks to the wonderful Next 900 team for all their hard work.

Space4 in Houghton Feast Parade

Taking part in the Houghton Feast Parade has become an annual cause for excitement and celebration for Space4 volunteers and service users alike. The weather was glorious and the onlookers cheered with support and encouragement – we think the pictures speak for themselves!

Houghton Feast 2018

How quickly Houghton Feast comes around and how kind the weather was to everyone this year! After the usual opening ceremony on the Friday night Saturday brought the Craft & Produce Market in Church and the Parade in which Space4 took park.
There was a wonderful variety of stalls in church with all sorts of great things for people to look at an buy and there was a good footfall all throughout the day. The hot sandwiches went down very well as did all the homebaking. Huge thanks to everyone who contributed and to those who worked so hard getting the church ready for the the market and then turned around again at the end of the team. What a team!
Sunday morning we hosted the Feast Civic Service which was very well supported by the local community and many civic dignitaries. We enjoyed a sermon from Canon Provost of Sunderland Minster Stuart Bain.