Pilgrimage to Lindisfarne

The Parish Pilgrimage to Lindisfarne had been planned before Christmas and in the dark days of winter a hot, sunny day on Lindisfarne was an occasion to look forward to!  The Rector had thought about plans for sun screen and lots of water, not waterproofs and umbrellas!


But undeterred by the weather a group of pilgrims set off on Saturday 7 July from Houghton stopping briefly, to collect some fellow pilgrims, at St Peter’s Balkwell, North Shields on route for the Holy Island.  The weather at one point looked promising with blue sky and sunshine, but this soon disappeared and a heavy mist rolled in.

This was to be the weather for the day, but it didn’t rain and as Karen Lambton said walking across the sands was quite magical with the swirlling mist.

Some of the group walked across the sands following the Pilgrim route to the island, whilst others traveled on by coach. Everyone was expecting a chilly walk through cold water, but the water was remarkably warm and except for one slippery section the sand underfoot was firm and easy to walk on. Some people in the group had walked over the sands on many occasions, for some it was their first time, but for all it was a special time for doing the age old pilgrim traditions of reflecting and sharing or put another way talking!

Once on Lindisfarne everyone took the opportunity to explore the island, many following a variety of prayer walks around the village or further afield. After lunch and a little retail therapy our group gathered at St Mary’s Parish Church (where we were warmly welcomed) for a Eucharist, which was a special ending to our time on Lindisfarne.  During the Eucharist we reflected on what we had brought with us onto the island, what we would leave or throw away and what we would take with us into our daily lives. How spending a little time in a holy place could encourage us to encounter God in new or different ways.

After the Eucharist we once again boarded the coach and travelled back across the causeway to Seahouses for much needed fish and chips and ice cream!

It was lovely to be able to share the day with people from St Peter’s Balkwell and their vicar Revd Frances Wilson and we look forward to being able to join together for future events.

Well, we may not have had the hoped for sunny weather, but that didn’t stop our Pilgrimage from being a special time of prayer, worship and fellowship in a wonderful place, where heaven and earth seem that little bit closer.

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