Rector’s Letter – January 2012

Dear Friends

Hope for 2012

‘For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.’ (Isaiah 9:6)

As the start of this New Year we are all aware of the uncertainties, which we face, especially in terms of our finances, jobs and economic prospects. We have to face the big questions of life: what shall I do?; who can help me?; who cares for me? and what do I say?

The familiar words of the prophet Isaiah, were also given by God in a time of political and economic uncertainty. The Assyrians had just conquered the northern kingdom of Israel, fulfilling Isaiah’s warnings to the people, who had turned their back on God and his ways. However, Isaiah also brings a word of hope, ‘The people walking in darkness have seen a great light’ . For Isaiah, it felt as if the future had already arrived! However, after 700 years the promised child was fulfilled in the birth of Jesus Christ. For us, facing a New Year, he continues to be an answer to both our needs and questions:

Wonderful Counsellor: he will give us the wisdom we need, when we have difficult decisions to make at work or home, or in dealing with our finances or future direction.

Mighty God: he will provide the help and strength to face the difficult diagnosis, the family crisis or relationships breakdown, as we trust his plan and purpose for our lives.

Everlasting Father: he cares for us as a father cares for his children, so we can come to him when we feel alone or we are really struggling, knowing that he hears and will answer our prayers.

Prince of Peace: he has secured peace by his cross and resurrection, and so we can find in him true acceptance, forgiveness and peace for our lives, relationships and future.

Therefore at the start of 2012, may ‘our joy be increased’ as for the people in Isaiah’s day. For only Christ can truly turn our sorrow into joy and save us from the vicious spiral of sin and death. Whatever the mess and mistakes we have made over the past year, he can deal with them. With him both our present and future are secure. This is no pipe-dream, for ‘the zeal of the LORD Almighty will accomplish this.’

With every good wish for a peaceful and Happy New Year

Canon Sue Pinnington

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