Celebrating Bernard Gilpin (1517-1583) – Apostle of the North and Rector of Houghton-le-Spring

Today we celebrated our patron and former rector of Houghton Bernard Gilpin with a festive eucharist and a parish meal provided by the Next 900 Team.

Here is the collect (prayer) for today:

God of holiness, your glory is proclaimed in every age; as we rejoice in the faith of Bernard Gilpin inspire us to follow his example of generosity, scholarship and integrity through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

In her sermon the Rector praised all the unsung ‘Bernard Gilpins’ that throughout history have acted as the grit in the oyster to bring about change in the world. May we continue to follow Gilpin’s example in preaching the Gospel, helping the poor and challenging injustice.

The tomb of Bernard Gilpin decorated with greenery for his feast day.

The tomb of Bernard Gilpin decorated with greenery for his feast day.

Bernard Gilpin as depicted in our East Window

Bernard Gilpin as depicted in our East Window

Bernard Gilpin in our great West Window

Bernard Gilpin in our great West Window

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