Youth Invasion Camp at Auckland Castle

This weekend our young people joined over 50 others from around the diocese at the very first Youth Invasion Camp at Auckland Castle. The young people camped in the grounds and enjoyed a full weekend of activities on the theme of Celebrating Difference including circus skills (led by our very own curate), martial arts, disaster management (ask the kids!), a nature trail and a treasure hunt as well as leading worship themselves. Our group won the tent decorating competition with a fabulous flag they designed themselves (see below).

It is hoped that this will become an annual event and Bryony and Clare are looking forward to next year’s camp already – we hope the kids are too!

Many thanks to the camp organisers from Shildon Parish, especially youth leader Naomi Tomlinson and to Alison Tweddle from Auckland Castle for making this happen.

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The girls won the tent decorating competition with this flag!

The girls won the tent decorating competition with this flag!

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