Recharge – new for young people at St Michael’s

Recharge poster

Recharge is a new event for young people (year 6-11) starting this term at St Michael’s. We will meet on the third Sunday of the month at church at 11.30am for half an hour to ‘recharge’ with God and try out different types of prayer and spirituality together through a great new book called ‘The Teenage Prayer Experiment Notebook’ by Miranda Threlfall-Holmes and her son Noah. The first session took place on Sunday 20th September and we tried out our Prayer Labyrinth.

Walking the prayer labyrinth.

Walking the prayer labyrinth.

As it’s an experiment this was the group’s verdict:

We gave the labyrinth 8/10 as an experience. Here are some of the things the young people said it made them feel:

“I felt God helping me as I walked”
“I liked the twists and turns”
“I liked that it felt like a journey “
“I liked the concept and the silence”

Know any teenagers that need their batteries recharging? Bring them along on the third Sunday of the month at 11.30am.

Dates for this term are:

Sunday 18th October
Sunday 22nd November
Sunday 13th December

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