Week 3 & 4 of St Michael’s Summer Club

We have been continuing to get good numbers at our Summer Club for local children at the Kepier Hall – a project funded from a Community Chest Grant. We were joined by Colin Nicholl, husband of Rox one of the organisers of the club, who tapped into his previous experience in youth work and kept the children well occupied with some great games both before and after lunch. Then it was time for ‘Open the Book’ – we have teams from our church congregation who go into local Primary schools to share bible stories in this amusing and engaging way. We heard all about Noah, the flood and his ark and the children sat spellbound as Rev Judith Howes told the story while some children helped to act it out. Sheila Wynne, Joan Beattie and Rebecca had organised some marvellous craft activities that had the children making arks and animals and then it was back to some great active games to finish off.
Week four was something of a carbon copy of week three only this time we got to hear all about Jonah and the Whale thanks to David and Rita Turnbull. But we also had a visit from Ann Donkin and Jo Avery from Gentoo who joined in with the crafts and did some fantastic face painting.
None of this great activity could happen without the hard work and dedication of a small team of volunteers from Space4, our uniformed organisations and church.

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