The wise men brought gifts – what gifts can we bring in 2018? Introducing the Parish Giving Scheme

This month we celebrate the season of Epiphany, the arrival of the three wise men or magi bringing gifts to the baby Jesus.

We recognise throughout this Christmas period the importance of giving and receiving gifts.  We are very blessed at St Michael’s that so many people support our mission and ministry through the gift of financial support. And so on behalf of the PCC and myself, I want to say a very BIG Thank You for your generosity and commitment to the life of St Michael’s and God’s mission in Houghton.  Every penny we receive makes a difference and everyone is valued, without you we couldn’t open our doors to all the people of Houghton.

This month we are changing the way we account and manage the church’s finances by joining the Parish Giving Scheme.  This will let us access up to date accounting software, to manage our cash flow and allow you to set up a more secure way of giving via direct debit. It will also streamline our Gift Aid status with HM Revenue and Customs. Information sheets are available in church and the Church Treasurer, Lynn Scott, will be at many services to answer questions and help in anyway she can. Managing our money in the best way possible will allow us to concentrate on our mission and ministry here in Houghton.

Thank you for all your support of St Michael’s as we begin a new year full of hope and promise.

With every good wish to you for a Happy and Blessed 2018

Rector Sue

How does the scheme work?

We had a magical time at our Christingle services this year – photo gallery

As ever we had a wonderful time at our Christingle services – one at 3pm for families and then a grown-up look at the Christingle at 6pm.

We hope you can join us for our other Christmas services on Christmas Eve:

3pm Crib Family Service – come and be in our nativity play

7pm Traditional Carol Service

11.30pm Midnight Mass

Here are some photos from the Christingle services, all proceeds raised went to the Children’s Society. Photos by John Lambton and Bryony Taylor.

Christmas Events and Services at St Michael & All Angels, Houghton-le-Spring #GodwithUs

We hope you will join us for our Christmas Celebrations this year – there is something for everyone!

Tuesday 12 Dec 7pm – Light of Life – dedicate a light on our Christmas Tree to a loved one and sing some carols

Wednesday 13 December 7pm – Gilpin Singers Christmas Concert

Sunday 17 December

3pm Family Christingle Service – make a Christingle orange to take home

6pm Engage with Christingle – a Christingle service for adults

Christmas Eve – Sunday 24 December

3pm Family Crib Service – come in a Nativity Play costume or use one of ours!
7pm Traditional Carol Service
11.30pm Midnight Mass 

Christmas Day Monday 25 December 

10.00am Festival Eucharist

Light of Life service Tues 12 Dec, 7pm – dedicate a light on our Christmas Tree

We will be lighting the Christmas tree on Tuesday 12th December at 7.00pm and we would be delighted if you could join us.  Each light on the tree will shine brightly for those special people whom we love but see no longer during the Christmas season.  The Service will be a mixture of Christmas carols, readings and a time for special prayers and remembrance.

This is a special way to remember and give thanks.

Forms to make a dedication are available in the Signpost magazine or at church (and will be available on the night). For each dedication you will receive a special card.

Remembrance Sunday Services – 12th November 2017

Join us for our Service of Remembrance Sunday 12th November.

8.30am – Eucharist

10.15am – Remembrance Sunday service with laying of wreaths at the cenotaph at 11.00am

6.00pm – Choral Evensong

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.


St Michael Toddler Group 50th Anniversary 19th Nov 10.00 am

We are celebrating our Toddler Group’s 50th anniversary with special parties and gifts for all of our current children. On Sunday the 19th November there will be a commemorative service at 10.00 am in Church followed by a private celebration for all of our wonderful volunteers past and present.

We would love as many people as possible to join us in Church on November 19th – it is a testament to the relationship our church continues to enjoy with the people of Houghton that this group has not only survived, but thrived.

Services of Light and Hope – Remembrance to Christmas

Have you or a friend lost a loved one?

We are moving into our season of Remembrance and on through Advent eventually into Christmas. We have a series of services of Light and Hope, starting this Sunday evening with our All Souls Eucharist. Here are the dates and times of our other services over this season. Please share this with your friends.

We hope you can come and that it gives you some comfort to gather with others to remember your loved ones.