Mothering Sunday 2015 – may you know the nurturing love of God

Here are some photos from our wonderful Mothering Sunday Eucharist this morning.

We also raised money for the Make a Mother’s Day appeal from the Mothers’ Union by raffling a simnel cake made by Pauline Coulson. You can donate to the appeal here.

A prayer for Mothering Sunday:

May God, who gave birth to all creation, bless us:
may God, who became incarnate by an earthly mother, bless us:
may God, who broods as a mother over her children, bless us.
May almighty God bless us, Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
now and for ever.

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Plaque unveiled at Houghton Hall – a tribute to WWI 160th Wearside Brigade

A blue plaque was unveiled by the Mayor of Sunderland today at Houghton Hall to commemorate the bravery and sacrifice of the 160th Wearside Brigade who were recruited for the First World War on this day a hundred years ago and had their HQ in Houghton. The overwhelming majority of the new recruits, including the officers, hailed from Sunderland, Wearside and the surrounding districts including Whitburn, Seaham and Gateshead. These men came from all walks of life, “from the privileged well educated families of rich industrialists, to the poorest labourers that worked in the mines and shipyards.” This brigade went on to serve in some of the decisive battles of the First World War including Passchendaele. This new plaque is a tribute to their sacrifice and reads:

The new plaque160th (Wearside) Brigade Royal Field Artillery

Houghton Hall was the original HQ of the Brigade and home for the initial 750 locally raised volunteers in 1915. The brigade served with distinction in many famous battles of the First World War.

Lest we forget.

At the unveiling

A good crowd of local dignitaries, the author of a history of the Brigade Phil Adams, servicemen and relatives of the soldiers of the Brigade gathered to watch the unveiling and then enjoyed some light refreshments at the Kepier Hall where an extensive exhibition was on display about the First World War. Here are some of the images from the exhibition:

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Houghton Open-Air Passion Play 2015

This year we are bringing back our open-air performance of the Passion of Christ (last shown in 2012). The Passion Play is an outdoor production, held at the Hillside Cemetery with contemporary music by Stuart Clappison and in the style of a modern TV News Production: CNN Houghton-style.  This modern take on the events of Good Friday loses none of the power and profundity of Christ’s final 24 hours. Everyone who attends gets drawn into the action because the audience becomes the crowd walking alongside Christ to his Crucifixion.

Please do make it a priority to come along this Good Friday 3rd April at 12 noon: you will not regret it.

A free shuttle bus will take spectators up to the cemetery from the Broadway (DH4 4DN) in Houghton-le-Spring.

If you are interested in taking part in the play or helping with the organisation of this big event, please contact us.



Celebrating Bernard Gilpin (1517-1583) – Apostle of the North and Rector of Houghton-le-Spring

Today we celebrated our patron and former rector of Houghton Bernard Gilpin with a festive eucharist and a parish meal provided by the Next 900 Team.

Here is the collect (prayer) for today:

God of holiness, your glory is proclaimed in every age; as we rejoice in the faith of Bernard Gilpin inspire us to follow his example of generosity, scholarship and integrity through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

In her sermon the Rector praised all the unsung ‘Bernard Gilpins’ that throughout history have acted as the grit in the oyster to bring about change in the world. May we continue to follow Gilpin’s example in preaching the Gospel, helping the poor and challenging injustice.

The tomb of Bernard Gilpin decorated with greenery for his feast day.

The tomb of Bernard Gilpin decorated with greenery for his feast day.

Bernard Gilpin as depicted in our East Window

Bernard Gilpin as depicted in our East Window

Bernard Gilpin in our great West Window

Bernard Gilpin in our great West Window

What was Ashes to Go like in Houghton-le-Spring? Interview with Rev’d Canon Sue Pinnington

Many people were intrigued by our bringing an idea from the United States (experienced by our Rector last year in Washington DC) to the North East of England. In this interview on BBC Radio Newcastle, our Rector Sue reflects on the experience:

Photo by Keith Blundy

Photo by Keith Blundy


Missed Ashes to Go? Watch a video all about it

We now have a Youtube Channel and you can listen to Bishop Paul being interviewed on BBC Radio Newcastle and see a gallery of images from today’s trip onto the streets of Houghton for Ash Wednesday: Ashes to Go – taking the message of God’s forgiveness and love out of the church building to the people of the town. Find links to our press coverage here.


It’s Ash Wednesday – an opportunity for a fresh start with God

Ashes to go banner

Today we were out on the Broadway from 7.15am with Bishop Paul offering the opportunity for people to receive ashes on their forehead as a sign of repentance and forgiveness.

This was a step of faith for all of us but we were surprised by the warm response and the interest of passers by – the bishop even ashed a bus driver and we were visited by a dalmatian dog as well!

Read more about this on the Diocese of Durham’s website here. Find lots more photos on our Facebook page and Instagram account.

Northern Echo

Sunderland Echo

The Chronicle

The Tablet

Church of England on Facebook

Here is an outline of what Ash Wednesday is all about:

Life often gets messy and we end up hurting other people or ourselves.  We do and say things we regret or we don’t do things that we should have.  We all need the opportunity to acknowledge our sorrow for our mistakes, to say sorry and to be forgiven.

On Ash Wednesday, the Christian Church offers us that opportunity.  By taking time, even if it’s just a few moments, to seek forgiveness from God and our fellow human beings, we can begin to wipe the slate clean, have a fresh start.

ashes faceThe ash cross on our forehead is a symbol of our sorrow and our desire to be forgiven.

Ash Wednesday is a day full of hope, because each one of us can find a new start in the love and forgiveness of God.  Today is the start of the Christian journey towards Easter and the ultimate act of love: the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

We welcome you to join us on this journey: you never know it might change your life.

May God bless you and all those whom you love,

St Michael and All Angels Church

The Church of England in Houghton-le-Spring


“Draw near to God and he will draw near to you”                                                                                           – James 4:8, The Bible

Ashes to Go comes to Houghton-le-Spring!

ashes faceThis year at St Michael’s we will be taking a new approach to a centuries-old tradition with the help of the Bishop Paul on Ash Wednesday (February 18th) this year. Traditionally on Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent when we prepare for Easter with a period of repentance and reflection, Christians have received a cross of ashes on the forehead as a reminder of our failings and an invitation to receive God’s forgiveness.

Ashes to go posterWe are joining the new international movement Ashes to Go that sees clergy and lay people visiting bus stops, street corners, coffee shops and train stations to mark the foreheads of interested passers-by with ashes and invite them to repent of past wrongdoing and seek forgiveness and renewal.

Bishop Paul will join the church members on The Broadway, Houghton-le-Spring, between 7.15am and 9.15am.

Ashes to Go provides the opportunity to participate in that tradition for people who have lost their connection to a church, or have never participated before, according to the Reverend Canon Sue Pinnington, Rector of Houghton-le-Spring.

Rector ashes to go 2014

The Rector taking part in Ashes to Go in Washington DC in 2014

She said:

“Ashes to Go is about bringing the important traditions of our faith out from behind church doors and into the places we need them every day.

As people get busier and busier, we need the church to be working in new and non-traditional ways. We especially need reminders of forgiveness in the tough places of our working lives. The people who accept ashes on the street are often people longing to make a connection between their faith and the pressures of daily life. Ashes to Go helps them feel that connection.

I first encountered and took part in Ashes to Go last year in Washington DC and was incredibly moved by the encounters I had with people as they travelled to work. This is the first time we have taken part in Ashes to Go here in Houghton and we are delighted that Bishop Paul is joining us.”

This story has already attracted some press, you can read other articles about this here:

Inspire Magazine

The Chronicle

Durham Diocese Newsroom


News North East

Church Family Party held on Saturday 31st January

The party season may have ended for most people but St Michael’s went a little further with our Church Family Party on Saturday 31stJanuary. The party was open to all young and old with some of the activities being centred around our younger members (most people fitting into this bracket). The 900 team had already prepared our supper – “Hot Pot or Cheese, Onion and Potatoes” the smell drifting into the hall whetting our taste buds. As the 70+ guests came in a quiz awaited them just to keep the grey matter working before supper at 8pm. After supper and apple strudel the activities proceeded with Raffle, Corners, Bingo and Pass the Parcel, these were run by two young girls who offered to help with the evening. Some of the Bingo calling kept us entertained and amused eg 1 and 10 ….. 10 or 99 oops 66 (90 being top of the shop).

All in all a good time was had by all with proceeds going to our Church to the value of £336.

A big thank you to the Next 900 team for organising yet another fantastic event.

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