Outdoor Nativity silhouettes for 2014 in the making

You may remember last year that we had some silhouettes of the nativity scene on our railings at St Michael’s. This year we are expanding this to include some new characters – look out for Monty the Penguin, a WWI Tommy and a German Soldier and more – the silhouettes will be on display next week. We hope the scene will make you stop and think in the middle of the busy run up to Christmas.

Well done to the team who’ve done a great job with the jigsaw, sanders and paint!

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Starting the season of Advent in style

This Sunday evening we welcomed friends from St Giles’ Choir in addition to our own choir and hand-bell ringers for a beautiful candlelit service of Advent Carols and Readings. Here are some photos from a magical evening. Thank you to all who contributed to what has become a favourite service in our church calendar! A short video of the hand-bell ringers can be viewed on our Facebook page.

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Confirmation Service 13th November 2014

It was with great pleasure that we welcomed The Bishop of Durham, The Right Reverend Paul Butler to St Michael and All Angels, Houghton le Spring for a Confirmation Service during which  Zachariah Joseph & Charlotte Hepple from our congregation and Thomas Heslop from St Michael and All Angels, Easington Lane were confirmed.
CC4A6970aZak, Charlotte and Tom each read their testimony to us which was very moving and profound and really gave a sense of the Holy Spirit at work and with us as we shared in this public yet intimate moment.  Zak was then Batptised which gave the other candidates and the congregation the opportunity to revist and reflect on their Baptism promises.CC4A7010aThe Bishop then confirmed Charlotte, Zak and Tom reminding the congregation of the promises that they were making to support all three in their continuing journey of faith.  We were then invited to welcome the newly confirmed by saying together “We welcome you in the fellowship of faith; we are children of the same heavenly Father; we welcome you.”    Then we shared the peace.

CC4A7001aAnd so after a service filled with beautiful music, thought provoking words and warm fellowship we moved to the back of church where we enjoyed some delicious food, a wonderful celebration cake and lots of chat and laughter.

Many Thanks to all those who contributed to making it such a splendid event.

Act of Remembrance at Space4

On Tuesday 11th of November we gathered at Space 4 to bring together the stories from our Tommy’s Story exhibition and share in an act of Remembrance.  IMG_3359 Ros Pickersgill had made large poppies so that we could write our own special messages and she also recited a wonderful poem that she had written which reflected the many people in the stories that people had shared for the exhibition.IMG_3360 A little before 11am we all moved outside onto  a bustling Newbottle Street.  Rector Sue said a few words and then we observed the silence together.  We were joined by passers by who also wanted to show their respect.IMG_3361 IMG_3362 Following the silence we returned inside and placed our poppies on the exhibition boards around the stories.IMG_3363

Remembrance Sunday 2014

It was wonderful to welcome so many people to our Remembrance Sunday service as we gathered together to remember and reflect on the sacrifices made by so many in the service of their country.CC4A6899a Following the service in church the crowds gathered around the Cenotaph in the bright Autumn sunshine for an act of remembrance in a silence broken only by birdsong.  Watching the standards fall and rise to the bugle call evoked both sadness and a sense of pride.  CC4A6901a CC4A6912a The wreaths around the newly refurbished cenotaph a lasting reminder to young and old.  CC4A6940aWe shall remeber them.

Remembrance Sunday 9th November, Service at 10.15am

In this centenary year of the start of the First World War there are a number of opportunities to remember the fallen:

Remembrance Sunday Service – 9th November, 10.15am

The Cenotaph has been restored for the Centenary of World War I.

Armistice Day – 11th November – Act of Remembrance – 10.30am Space4 (ground floor of Houghton Library on Newbottle Street)

Tommy's Story collage

There will be an opportunity to view the Tommy’s Story exhibition which has grown with stories from around the community alongside the sculpture of the Unknown Soldier ‘A Foreign Field’ created by a local artist with local school children which is on display in the foyer.

Field of Remembrance

The Field of Remembrance in St Michael’s churchyard was opened on 28th October and is open for the public to pay their respects to those who have lost their lives in conflicts since the first world war.


Black Douglas Sponsored Walk 1st November 2014

IMG_3332On Saturday 1st November a hardy group of walkers gathered at the arch to set off on an 18mile sponsored walk to St Hilda’s Hartlepool to raise funds for our SPACE4 project.  We were delighted to be greeted by a beautiful sunny Autumn day and set off at 9am heading for our first rest spot at Plants R Ross 6 miles down the road.
IMG_3333We enjoyed a much needed sit down, coffee and delicious scones and took full advantage of the public convenience.
IMG_3334We arrived at Easington Colliery at around 12.30 and shared our lunchspace with a delightful young couple who played the guitar so we all had a singalong.  Roger Elsey met us here with food and hot drinks to boost us for our next stage along the coastal footpath.   Many steps lay ahead.
IMG_3340 The coastal footpath offered us some beautiful views and grass underfoot but also some steep climbs down and stamina testing climbs back up.  I think we all got to test out muscles that we don’t usually use.  Conversation and company really helped us along the way and we appreciated each other’s support as we headed for the end of the walk.IMG_3350Smiles of relief and achievement as we reach our goal in Hartlepool and think of our next stop which is the pub!  Huge thanks to all who took part in the walk, the support drivers and all those who so generously sponsored us.IMG_3355

More pictures can be viewed in the slideshow below and also on our Facebook page.

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Get Online Week 2014 comes to Space4


The eighth national Get Online Week takes place 13-17 October #GOLW14

An estimated 7 million people in the UK aren’t online, and 11 million don’t have the skills or confidence to make the most of the opportunities the internet has to offer. Space 4 is taking part in a national campaign called Get Online Week to help people in Houghton to do just that. It doesn’t matter if you’ve never even touched a computer before or if you already know a bit – this is your chance to give computers and the internet a go.  It’s fun, it’s free, and it could change how you do your favourite things – and your everyday chores – forever!   Drop in to Space 4 (during our normal opening hours) from 13th October – 17th October and we’ll help you discover what the internet has to offer.

Space 4 – championing the cause of poverty, exclusion and well-being in Houghton-le-Spring. Find us on the ground floor of Houghton Library, Newbottle Street.

Email Rev’d Bryony Taylor, Curate for more information: revbryonytaylor@gmail.com or ring Space 4 on 0191 512 0676. If you are already internet savvy you can follow the hashtag #golw14 on Social Media.