Boxing Day Dip

As the year is coming to a close The Next 900 Team embarked on what is becoming a ritual of taking a brief dip in the North Sea at Seaham. The small team consisted of Dave Turnbull, John Lambton, Sue Wardle and Roger Elsey who were lucky with one or two factors in their favour:-

The tide was in.     The sun was shining.    The wind was not blowing.

The previous day would have been a different story, in fact quite the reverse with strong winds and huge waves lashing the coast.

The team and their supporters met in good time at the car park above the entry point to the North Sea. At 10.45am the hardy group from St. Michaels could be seen making the descent to the beach over the thick frost of the footpath. Arriving at the beach it was a different world;  the frost was not present –  no chance of slipping. After a quick change to more comfortable attire the bathers were ready and off at a pace to make a splash on time at 11am with John and Roger so eager they lead the way. After a brief pose to record the event for posterity, an even quicker change back to dry clothes was made with the help of our supporters. We then returned to Houghton re-grouping at the Wild Boar for lunch.

Our sincere thanks to all who took time out to support us on the day and to all our sponsors who have pledged generously, currently in excess of £110.

Congratulations to the team for once again braving the elements, they are looking for new victims, sorry volunteers next year!!!

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