New Curate for 2014

New Curate for 2014

I’m delighted to announce that we will be welcoming a new curate in June 2014.

Her name is Bryony Taylor and she is currently studying for the priesthood at Cramner Hall in Durham.  She and her husband Paul, will be moving to Houghton in June and she will be working as a full time curate after her ordination as a deacon at Petertide.  Bryony will be with us at St Michael’s for the next 3 ½ – 4 years.  Everyone who has met her is very impressed with the gifts and talents she will bring to Houghton and we are all looking forward to working with her over the next few years.

Bryony has written a bit about herself as a brief introduction.

My husband Paul describes me as ‘not a glass half-full person’ but an ‘ooh, I’ve got a glass’ person – I am a relentless optimist! A child in Leeds once described me as ‘like a clown what’s good at stuff’! 

I was brought up in sunny Southend on Sea in Essex, but went to university in Leeds (I studied Classical Civilisation) where I met Paul and we’ve lived in Yorkshire ever since spending time in Hull, Dewsbury and most recently in Pudsey near Leeds. We’re both really looking forward to moving further north and exploring a new and beautiful area.

In my working life I have done a variety of things in the education sector, the most fun of which was in museum education doing living history – so I’m very excited to be coming to such an historic church! My last job before going to theological college was working as a social media consultant – training people from sole traders to banks to churches, to use things like Twitter and Facebook for business and communications.

I enjoy working with and learning from young people. I’ve been involved with youth work for a long time, I run juggling workshops and have been a Girl Guide leader in Dewsbury for the last 10 years. I’m one of those strange people that like camping!

I love reading and before college I was in a book club (that had a good balance of wine and chat!) and I’m looking forward to reading fiction again once finishing my course. I also really enjoy live music. I’m trying to get better at playing the guitar and I also like playing the ukulele (I promise I won’t inflict that on you though). Paul and I often go to the cinema: we have eclectic taste in films although he doesn’t share my love for TV programmes like the X Factor!

I am really looking forward to getting to know the community in Houghton Le Spring and I’m already inspired by all the amazing work that is already taking place through the commitment of the congregation. Paul and I are excited about walking alongside you in the great adventure of faith in Jesus.

Best wishes


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